Virtual machines – the end of the line for PC hardware?

Could Azure’s ability to easily create affordable, high-end virtual machines in the cloud spell the end for the ubiquitous desktop PC?

I’ve been in this industry long enough to know that promises of a “thin client revolution” come around about as often as buses. But I really do think this time is different, and that we might finally have reached the point where fixing hardware problems in software isn’t just the punchline of an old joke.

Computing has changed a lot in the last few years. Advances both in hardware and in software mean you can do more with less. Tablets and smartphones are increasingly taking on the sorts of workloads that used to be the preserve of laptops and desktops, and cloud services move many tasks away from physical machines altogether.

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Opening the gateway to on-premises data

Learn how the On-Premises Data Gateway lets Office 365 and Azure services access your on-premise data.

Office 365 and Microsoft Azure are enabling organisations to rapidly build new solutions to business problems in the cloud. But, all too often, the data you really want to work with isn’t accessible from the cloud; it’s locked away in on-premises databases, existing SharePoint sites, or spreadsheets in network file shares.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was some way of exposing this “stranded” data to the cloud? Well, there is!

Introducing the On-Premises Data Gateway

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